Clinical learning experiences of Iranian student nurses: A qualitative study
Background & Aim: Clinical education is performed within a complex social context in clinical set-tings. Success of the nursing programs depends on appropriate clinical experiences. The aim of this study was to explore clinical learning experiences of Iranian student nurses.
Methods & Materials: Twelve bachelor's degree student nurses were chosen from two large nursing schools in an urban area of Iran. Private face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect the data. Data were analyzed using a content analysis approach.
Results: Three main categories emerged during data analysis: "clinical poverty", "clinical distress", and "professional pride". The categories and their subcategories were interrelated and sequential in terms of their occurrence. It was found that students start learning in a non-conducive and non-supportive clinical environment. They experienced different sorts of distress during the clinical placement. However, during the last year of their studies, they gradually reached a sense of control and satisfaction with their learning.
Conclusion: Since a major part of the learning process of students occurs in clinical environments, proper management of clinical education is of high importance. To foster appropriate clinical teaching and learning, cooperation between the clinical settings and nursing schools is needed to provide a welcoming clinical climate, which values and respects student nurses.
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Issue | Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Winter | |
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student nurse learning experience clinical placement qualitative research Iran |
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