Evaluating the quality of life in hospitalized patients with heart failure at hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran, during 2012
Background & Aim: Heart failure is the final common pathway for all cardiovascular disease, a major health problem worldwide that affects patient satisfaction and quality of life. This study aimed to assess the quality of life and its dimensions (physical health, mental health, public health, and environmental
health) in patients with heart failure has taken place.
Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional study on 200 patients with heart failure admitted to hospitals in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in 2013 has been made. Data from the demographic data questionnaires and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF Iranian species were collected, and data analysis software SPSS version 20 and using descriptive statistics and independent t-test, ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficient was used.
Results: In this study, 83% of patients had a moderate quality of life. The quality of life with education (P = 0.002), quality of life with marital status (P = 0.036) and mental dimension with age (P = 0.045 and r = -0.142) was statistically significant relationship, but between quality of life and other aspects not show a significant relationship with gender and family size.
Conclusion: Quality of life in patients with heart failure who participated in this study was moderate. Therefore health care providers to improve the quality of life for this group to design and implementappropriate interventions.
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Issue | Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Spring | |
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quality of life heart failure Kerman |
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