Case Report

Ovarian dermoid cyst and neuromuscular manifestation


Background & Aim: To reported a case of ovarian dermoid cyst with abnormal clinical manifestation.
Case Report: We present a 53-year-old woman with loss of muscle strength in lower extremities (in both legs) and gait abnormalities due to ovarian dermoid cyst. The following severe disability and dependence on wheelchair, the patient attended hospital in March 2015 and underwent surgery. Currently, the patient has no particular problem, and examination of the legs shows normal reflexes and muscle strength, and she does her daily chores without motor dependence.
Conclusion: The presence of non-specific symptoms requires careful follow-up and patient holistic assessment.

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IssueVol 2 No 4 (2015): Autumn QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
dermoid cyst ovary neuromuscular

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Esmaeili M, Shahbazi S, Seylani K, Nazari N. Ovarian dermoid cyst and neuromuscular manifestation. NPT. 2015;2(4):171-173.