The effect of anger management program on perceived stress of healthcare professionals: A quasi-experimental study
Background & Aim: Healthcare professionals working in Intensive Care Units and Emergency Rooms are at higher risk of violence from patients and their families compared to healthcare professionals working in other units. Healthcare professionals skilled in anger management may de-escalate the situation and stop violence from happening in the first place. This study aims to determine the effect of an aggression management program on perceived stress levels of physicians and nurses working in Intensive Care Units and Emergency Rooms.
Methods & Materials: A quasi-experimental design with 158 physicians and 172 nurses recruited from nine hospitals in the three major cities in Jordan was used to assess perceived stress levels with the Arabic Version of Perceived Stress Scale (10-Items). Participants answered the questionnaires twice, before and after attending an aggression management program.
Results: Results showed that female healthcare professionals had significantly higher stress levels than males (M=27.33±4.11, M=24.20±3.13; t (328)=2.11, p<0.001). Furthermore, healthcare professionals working in Emergency Rooms reported significantly higher stress levels than those working in Intensive Care Units (M=27.93±4.10, M=24.94±3.03; t (328)=2.04, p<0.001). Additionally, nurses reported significantly higher stress levels compared to physicians (M=28.17±3.92, M=25.20±3.13; t (328)=2.09, p<0.001). There was a strong significant positive relationship between increased stress levels and the number of violent attacks (r=0.73, p<0.001). Most importantly, perceived stress decreased significantly from the pre-intervention level (28.94±3.21) to the post-intervention level (24.20±3.01) (t (229)=2.03, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Policymakers may need to consider offering aggression management programs for all healthcare professionals, especially those working in the Emergency Room. This program should decrease their perceived stress levels reflecting improved patient care, outcomes, and satisfaction.
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Issue | Vol 8 No 4 (2021): Autumn | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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aggression; violence; nurses; physician; ICU; Jordan |
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