Original Article

Transformational leadership and nurses’ satisfaction with their team: A cross-sectional study


Background & Aim: Leadership style influences nursing team satisfaction, impacting organizational behavior, performance, outcomes, and quality of nursing care. This study aimed to describe the relationship between transformational leadership and nurses' satisfaction with their teams.
Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study with 95 participants enrolled by a snowball sample technique, using the Global Transformational Leadership Scale and the Group Satisfaction Scale for data collection, was developed. Quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 26, and qualitative data were analyzed through conventional content analysis assisted by QDA Miner Lite 4.
Results: A statistically significant difference between the participants' length of service and Group Satisfaction and an association between Transformational Leadership and Group Satisfaction was found. Communication skills are highlighted by the participants as characteristics a leader should have.
Conclusion: Health organizations should value transformational leadership, especially nowadays, where health work environments are characterized by instability. Training leaders to assume this type of leadership is needed.

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IssueVol 9 No 3 (2022): Summer QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v9i3.10226
leadership; job satisfaction; nurses; nursing, team

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How to Cite
Quesado A, Estanqueiro M, Melo M, Oliveira I. Transformational leadership and nurses’ satisfaction with their team: A cross-sectional study. NPT. 2022;9(3):243-250.