Perspective Piece

Mitigating low-value care: Reflections on love and respect for patient


Background & Aim: Low-value care is care that has little or no benefit to the patient, with the potential to cause harm and incur unnecessary spending to patients and society or waste limited resources. This paper's aim is to reflect on how love and respect for patients are valuable in mitigating the occurrence of low-value care. 
Methods & Materials: A descriptive theoretical and empirical literature analysis was employed to reflect on the impacts of love and respect for a patient on mitigating low-value care.
Results: The feelings of uncomfortable atmosphere, dissatisfaction, and distrust by the patient due to a deficit of love and respect for the patient could lead to a high rate of patronizing low-value care from unprofessional health workers, which could lead to the occurrence of complications. However, when care is based on optimal love and respect, it eventually brings about patients' satisfaction and continued utilization of high-value care choices from experienced health professionals.
Conclusion: It is imperative to apply love and respect for patients in healthcare practices; otherwise, a surge in the occurrence of low-value care caused by patients' requests and expectations is possible. There is a need for a deep understanding of low-value care in nursing through research studies. 

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IssueVol 9 No 4 (2022): Autumn QRcode
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care love low-value respect satisfaction

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How to Cite
Jafaru Y. Mitigating low-value care: Reflections on love and respect for patient. NPT. 2022;9(4):261-266.