Review Article

An integrated review of measures of mutuality: Pros, cons, and future directions


Background & Aim: Mutuality has been defined as being placed between paternalism and autonomy on the spectrum of patient engagement in care, which involves a shared experience and reciprocity between involved parties. Mutuality is foundational in creating growth and fostering relationships to improve health outcomes and address health disparities. This paper aims to examine and compare measurement instruments that measure the concept of mutuality.
Methods & Materials: A systematic search was conducted to examine how mutuality has been measured. Eight studies were included in the analysis. 
Results: The Mutuality Scale, the Mutuality and Interpersonal Sensitivity Scale, the Friendship Quality Questionnaire, and the Connection-Disconnection Scale were discovered. Theoretical frameworks and psychometrics were analyzed.   
Conclusion: Mutuality has been applied in a variety of contexts and proves to be an important concept in understanding the needs and perspectives of culturally diverse communities. selection of a measurement instrument is going to be driven by a theoretical framework and definitions of mutuality.  All identified instruments demonstrated strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is important to weigh these strengths and weaknesses when selecting a measurement instrument in clinical practice or research. 

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IssueVol 10 No 1 (2023): Winter QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
mutuality; communication; measurement

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How to Cite
Hamilton B, Hooper V. An integrated review of measures of mutuality: Pros, cons, and future directions. NPT. 2023;10(1):13-22.