Original Article

Exploring pain management practices among nurses in a provincial city of Vietnam: A cross-sectional investigation of influential factors


Background & Aim: There is limited evidence regarding pain management practice and its associated factors among nurses in Vietnam. Therefore, the study aimed 1) To examine the current state of pain management practices among nurses at Hai Duong Provincial General Hospital, Vietnam; and 2) to identify its associated factors.
Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study design was performed on 200 nurses and 200 medical records needed to be reviewed to match the number of nursing samples. The data collection was conducted from May to June 2022. The modified Cancer Pain Practice Index included 13 evidence-based pain management Indicators applied to measure nurses’ pain management practice by reviewing medical records, and the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain tool was used to assess the pain management knowledge and attitude of nurses by self-completed questionnaire.
Results: A significant majority, comprising 146 nurses (73%), demonstrated inadequate pain management practices. Several crucial indicators of pain management were suboptimally performed by the majority of nurses. These included failure to document the execution of pain assessments for new patients, inadequate monitoring for side effects of opioid analgesics, and insufficient assessment and care for bowel status when opioids were prescribed. Additionally, participation in prior pain management training courses, along with knowledge and attitude toward pain management, emerged as significant variables associated with pain management practices (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The study highlighted widespread poor pain management practices among nurses. Participation in training courses and good knowledge and attitude correlate with better practices.

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IssueVol 11 No 3 (2024): Summer QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v11i3.16176
nurses; pain management practice Vietnam

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How to Cite
Nguyen N, Nguyen H, Duong H, Truong A, Tran D. Exploring pain management practices among nurses in a provincial city of Vietnam: A cross-sectional investigation of influential factors. NPT. 2024;11(3):291-300.