Original Article

Prevalence and reasons for the occurrence of missed nursing care in medical and surgical departments: A cross-sectional study


Background & Aim: Missed care is a serious problem in healthcare. This study aimed to measure the prevalence of missed nursing care and determine the reasons and risk factors for its occurrence in surgical and medical departments.
Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional design was used. All registered nurses who had worked for more than six months were included. The MISSEDCARE survey tool was used to determine missed nursing care (Part A) and the reasons for its occurrence (Part B). Logistic regression was used to determine risk factors for missed nursing care. The significance level was set at p<0.05.
Results: A total of 165 nurses were included. The response rate was 81.2%. The prevalence of missing nursing care ranged from 4.8% to 84.8%. Nurses with a high turnover intention had a great risk of the following missed nursing care: ‘medications administered within 30 min before or after the scheduled time’ [OR=11.60, CI 95%: 3.76-35.75; p<0.0001], ‘assess the effectiveness of medications’ [OR=3.79, CI 95%: 1.79-8.04; p<0.0001]. Urgent patient situations were the main reasons for missing patient-specific reassessment to verify improvement or deterioration during the shift [OR=6.82, CI 95%:1.84-25.26; p =0.008] and assess the effectiveness of medications.
Conclusions: This study showed a high prevalence of missed nursing care in surgical and medical departments. Urgent patient situations and unexpected increases in patient volume and acuity in the unit increased the reasons for missed nursing care. Nursing managers can promote the adoption of care models such as Primary nursing to reduce and manage missed nursing care.

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nurses; missed nursing care; management; patient safety; quality of care

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How to Cite
Gravante F, Longobucco Y, Leone C, Lombardi A, Bambi S. Prevalence and reasons for the occurrence of missed nursing care in medical and surgical departments: A cross-sectional study. NPT. 2025;:X-X.