Original Article

IGestSaúde a mobile application for the self-management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy treatment: Development protocol


Background & Aim: People undergoing chemotherapy treatment of an oncologic disease refer to the need to promote the process of self-management of the disease and the symptoms associated with treatment. This study aims to describe the development protocol of a mobile application to support the self-management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy treatment, the IGestSaúde.
Methods & Materials: The research is divided into six stages, using an exploratory/descriptive pilot study conducted over 36 months. The stages include research and fundamentals, development, validation of therapeutic guidelines, field study, technological development, implementation, and mobile application evaluation.
Discussion: The project will monitor and improve patients' compliance to chemotherapy, to prevent patients’ complications through preventive indications for self-care, and to improve patients' responses to uncontrolled symptoms or complications.
Conclusion: Mobile applications can be considered a viable and effective means for self-management of complications associated with chemotherapy treatment, supported by scientific evidence and these people's specific needs.

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IssueVol 8 No 2 (2021): Spring QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/npt.v8i2.5126
mobile application; chemotherapy; self-management

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How to Cite
Sílvia Fernandes C, Magalhães B, Santos C, Galiano J. IGestSaúde a mobile application for the self-management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy treatment: Development protocol. NPT. 2020;8(2):146-154.