Nurses professional values scale-revised: Psychometric properties of the Turkish version
Background & Aim: Nurses professional values are standards for action and provide a frame- work for evaluating behaviors. This paper is the report of a study designed to assess the psycho- metric properties of the Turkish version of the Nurses Professional Values Scale-Revised (NPVS-R).
Methods & Materials: This methodological study was carried out a university hospital in Izmir, the third most populous city in Turkey. The sample consisted of 228 nurses, who were recruited from January to August 2008. Data were collected with a socio-demographic form (11 questions) and the Turkish version of the NPVS-R (26 items). Many researchers in various countries have used NPVS-R to identify the professional values of nurses or nursing students. Content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and reliability were assessed. A P < 0.050 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: Responses to the NPVS-R were subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analy- sis. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation and Kaiser normalization resulted in four-factor solution explaining 52.41% of the common variance, and four factors named profes- sionalism, caring, activism, and trust. Findings supported internal consistency reliability of four factors with alpha coefficients from 0.72 to 0.86 and a total scale alpha coefficient of 0.92. Total- item correlation coefficients ranged from 0.38 to 0.71.
Conclusion: The study findings showed that the Turkish version of the NPVS-R has a good struc- tural characteristic and is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used for measuring profes- sional values.
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Issue | Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Winter | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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nursing professional values scale validity reliability |
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