Vol 8 No 3 (2021): Summer


Letter to Editor(s)

Short Communication(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 501 | views: 821 | pages: 173-178

    Background & Aim: Unhealthy environmental sanitation contributes to stunting among under-five children that correlated several factors, such as the house components, sanitation facilities, and behavior of poor food sanitation hygiene. This study aims to identify the relationship between family and stunting's environmental sanitation among under-five children in the Public Health Center in Indonesia.
    Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 393 families with under-five children in the public health center of Panti of Jember district, East Java of Indonesia, using consecutive sampling from December 2019 to January 2020. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure participants’ characteristics and environmental sanitation. A Chi-square test was used to analyze the data.
    Results: Among 67.2% of families were unhealthy environmental sanitation. Meanwhile, children who suffer from stunting were 56.2%. There was a significant correlation between environmental sanitation of family and stunting among under-five children (χ2=38,440; p <0,001), The environmental sanitation of family had 0.254 times for a chance of stunting among under-five children (OR= 0.254; 95% CI= 0.163-0.397).
    Conclusion: The family’s unhealthy environmental sanitation of family is a relationship with stunting among under-five children. Improving healthy environmental sanitation should be maintained by involving the family to fulfill under-five children’s nutrition requirement based on height for age.

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 319 | views: 648 | pages: 179-193

    Background & Aim: Shared decision making belongs to the continuum between the two decision-making paradigms of the paternalistic perspective and the client’s complete independence. Various interventions, including the Question Prompt List have been developed to facilitate patients’ participation in counseling. This study aims to investigate the effects of question prompt list on shared decision making among cancer patients.
    Methods & Materials: For this study, the researchers performed a systematic review of the manuscripts available in Embase, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases which were published until January 2021. And then, the eligible studies investigating the effect of question prompt list on shared decision making were included in the study. The quality of the studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool.
    Results: Two eligible papers were included in the study, and it was reported that question prompt list was provided before the patients’ consultation with the physician. Both studies have used OPTION 12 to measure shared decision making. The two articles reported that patient communication aid and question prompt list had no significant effect on improving shared decision making through OPTION 12.
    Conclusion: The findings of this systematic review could not confirm the impact of using question prompt list on shared decision making. more preliminary studies are needed to answer the question expressed by this systematic review study.

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 610 | views: 1365 | pages: 194-205

    Background & Aim: Drug dosage calculation is one of the main skills in the drug administration process that requires sufficient knowledge about mathematical calculations and drug dosage; in addition, lack of math anxiety is required for drug dosage calculation as well. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mathematical calculation and drug dosage training programs on math anxiety and nursing students’ drug dosage calculation skills.
    Methods & Materials: The present research was a non-randomized trial study. As a result of available sampling, 80 nursing students (40 in the control group and 40 in the intervention group) participated in the study. The study intervention included a mathematical and drug dosage training program including lecture, workshop, and practicing mathematical and drug calculations at the patient’s bedside. The data were collected using a demographic, Betz’ math anxiety, and drug dosage calculation skills questionnaires. Finally, descriptive and analytical statistics were used to analyze the data.
    Results: The two groups were homogeneous in terms of demographic variables, math anxiety, and drug calculation scores in the baseline. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures indicated the significant effect of the group on math anxiety (P = 0.024). Given the interaction between group effect and time for the drug dosage calculations, the comparison of the differences between the second time and third time scores of the baseline scores ​​showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of drug dosage calculations (P <0.001).
    Conclusion: Implementation of a drug dosage calculation training program for nursing students can lead to the reduction of math anxiety and improvement of the drug dosage calculations; this can ultimately help improve patient safety.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1596 | views: 2827 | pages: 206-215

    Background & Aim: Quality improvement in hospitals is a systematically widely used framework that improves patient care quality delivered by health care professionals. This study assessed the attitude of nurses toward Quality Improvement.
    Methods & Materials: A quantitative research approach was used. A total of 361 nurses working in two government hospitals and two private hospitals in the Philippines were selected using convenience sampling. The data collected using a self-administered questionnaire was started in March-April 2019. To identify the association between nurse demographic characteristics and perceived quality improvement, an independent sample t-test, a one-way analysis of variance with a post-hoc Tukey HSD test, and a Pearson’s product-moment correlation were conducted using SPSS.
    Results: Nurses have high positive quality improvement attitude scores. The age, salary, and hospital type, influence quality improvement attitude scores.
    Conclusion: Nurses have a positive attitude towards qualitative improvement. In addition, nurses’ age, salary, and public hospitals' work have a positive qualitative improvement than nurses working in private hospitals.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 263 | views: 379 | pages: 216-225

    Background & Aim: Approximately 40% of lupus patients experience anxiety and depression. This study aimed to determine the effects of anxiety and depression on lupus patients’ quality of life.
    Methods & Materials: This study adopted a correlational predictive survey design. Using convenience sampling, we recruited 117 patients who had been diagnosed with lupus at a general tertiary hospital in Korea. Structured questionnaires were used to assess their demographic and clinical characteristics, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Lupus Quality of Life. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis and were performed with the SAS program (version 9.4).
    Results: The participants obtained a mean overall quality of life score of 63.49 out of 100. The highest and lowest means emerged for physical health and burden to others, respectively. Anxiety emerged as the strongest predictor of quality of life, followed by disease activity, depression, and disease duration. These variables explained 53 % of the variance in lupus patients’ quality of life.
    Conclusion: Medical professionals should pay close attention to each lupus patient's disease activity and duration to improve his or her quality of life. In particular, multidisciplinary efforts are needed to take proactive steps to screen for anxiety and depression in lupus patients.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 528 | views: 1068 | pages: 226-233

    Background & Aim: Delirium is a frequent complication in patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit following cardiac surgery. This study aimed to assess the effect of a tailored delirium preventive intervention on postoperative delirium and agitation reduction and length of intensive care unit stay in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft.
    Methods & Materials: In this single-blinded, single-center, randomized controlled design, 60 patients from a hospital in Qom, Iran, were randomly allocated to an intervention or a control group. In the control group, patients received routine care. In the intervention group, patients received routine care, a video tutorial, and the Hospital Elder Life Program. Outcomes were measured using the Confusion Assessment Method for the intensive care unit, Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale, and length of intensive care unit stay in the second and third days after coronary artery bypass graft.
    Results: There were no significant differences in the rate of delirium episodes and mean scores of RASS between both groups in the second (P=0.301; P=0.125) and third days (P=0.389; P=0.057) after surgery, respectively. However, the mean duration of intensive care unit stays after surgery was significantly lower in the intervention group compared with the control group (P=0.042).
    Conclusion: This study indicated the tailored delirium prevention intervention could reduce the length of intensive care unit stay. However, the intervention did not reduce postoperative delirium episodes, nor did the intervention improve the RASS scores in the second and third days after coronary artery bypass graft. A future large multicenter trial with long-term follow-up is needed to assess further the effect of such an intervention.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 493 | views: 718 | pages: 234-243

    Background & Aim: This Covid-19 pandemic represents a threat and a crisis for families' well-being. According to the Olson Circumplex Model, this study aimed to assess the family functioning through the components of cohesion and adaptability of Portuguese families during this pandemic.
    Methods & Materials: This is a descriptive, exploratory, and correlational study. A non-probabilistic and convenience sample consisted of 376 people. Sociodemographic data, the family's characterization, the type of housing, the phase of the Vital Duvall cycle was collected from the participants, and FACES II was used to assess family cohesion and adaptability. The reliability of this instrument is high. The instruments for data collection were organized and sent through Google® forms, including the Informed Consent Form. The data were analyzed by SPSS-26 software using non-parametric tests were used for inferential analysis.
    Results: The results showed that 14,6% have a disengaged family cohesion; 7,4% have a very rigid dimension in family adaptability, and about the type of family, 6,1% have an unbalanced dimension.
    Conclusion: Although on average, the participants have a connected family cohesion and family flexible adaptability, many participants have extreme values, under which it will be necessary to intervene. It is a priority for family nursing to understand the experience of families living in this current social, economic, and health context.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 443 | views: 806 | pages: 244-254

    Background & Aim: Fear of childbirth and pregnancy anxiety may affect the desire for normal delivery. No study has investigated the effectiveness of solution-focused counseling on either pregnancy anxiety or all factors comprising fear of childbirth. We aimed to investigate the effects of solution-focused counseling in reducing pregnancy anxiety and fear of childbirth.
    Methods & Materials: This randomized clinical trial study was conducted on 132 nulliparous women in 2019. Participants with moderate to a severe fear of childbirth were randomly divided into the intervention and control groups. The intervention group participated in five solution-focused counseling sessions. Before and after the intervention, women filled the anxiety scale for pregnancy and the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire (W-DEQ). Data were analyzed using t-test, paired t-test, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
    Results: The two groups did not differ in terms of demographic and obstetric variables and pregnancy anxiety pre-test scores (P>0.05). The means of the post-test total scores and the means of scores for all five factors of the ASP were significantly lower in the intervention group than in the control group (p<0.001). The adjusted means of total scores and the adjusted means of scores for all six factors of the WDE-Q were significantly lower in the intervention group than in the control group (p<0.001).
    Conclusion: The solution-focused counseling reduced pregnancy anxiety and fear of childbirth in women participating in counseling sessions compared to the controls. Solution-focused counseling therapy sessions should be held for women with pregnancy anxiety and fear of childbirth.