2023 Impact Factor: 0.7
2023 CiteScore: 1.8
pISSN: 2383-1154
eISSN: 2383-1162
Reza Negarandeh
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Spring
Taking nursing research further, how and what to do
Background & Aim: Gestational diabetes is a medical condition that can lead to adverse outcomes of pregnancy. In this regard, the best way to reduce symptoms can be patient education. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of face-to-face training and booklet-based education on the maternal outcomes of diabetes in pregnancy.
Methods & Materials: A total of 126 patients with gestational diabetes were randomly enrolled in this controlled clinical trial. The patients were randomly allocated into three groups and were followed up to 1 week after birth. The 42 samples in the first intervention group, received face-to-face training by the researcher. The 42 samples. The second intervention group received a researcher made educational booklet and the 42 samples. This group as a control received routine hospital care and education. Then, the participants were contacted by the researcher, and a record sheet was completed by them. In this study, Fisher’s exact test, chi-square, ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis were used to analyze
the data.
Results: Among the studied outcomes, the number of maternal readmission, changing of the treatment from diet control to insulin therapy, increasing doses of insulin, showed significant differences in the groups, but among other outcomes, there were no statistically significant differences in the groups.
Conclusion: Training by different methods is effective in patients with gestational diabetes and can increase the health of mothers and children. It also leads to lower costs of hospital stay.
Background & Aim: Heart failure is the final common pathway for all cardiovascular disease, a major health problem worldwide that affects patient satisfaction and quality of life. This study aimed to assess the quality of life and its dimensions (physical health, mental health, public health, and environmental
health) in patients with heart failure has taken place.
Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional study on 200 patients with heart failure admitted to hospitals in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in 2013 has been made. Data from the demographic data questionnaires and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire-BREF Iranian species were collected, and data analysis software SPSS version 20 and using descriptive statistics and independent t-test, ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficient was used.
Results: In this study, 83% of patients had a moderate quality of life. The quality of life with education (P = 0.002), quality of life with marital status (P = 0.036) and mental dimension with age (P = 0.045 and r = -0.142) was statistically significant relationship, but between quality of life and other aspects not show a significant relationship with gender and family size.
Conclusion: Quality of life in patients with heart failure who participated in this study was moderate. Therefore health care providers to improve the quality of life for this group to design and implementappropriate interventions.
Background & Aim: Quality of life indicates individual’s level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with different aspects of life. One of the aspects that could affect aspects of life is mental distress. The aim of this study was to study the relation between quality of life and mental distresses Kurd seniors living in Saghez city, Iran.
Methods & Materials: This research was a correlation study conducted in 2015. Samples were 300 seniors who lived in Saghez and were selected through multi-stage sampling. Data were collected using 36-Item Short Form Health Survey and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale - 21. Data were analyzed using PASW software and through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
Results: The results showed a negative significant correlation between the quality of life and depression (r = 0.681), anxiety (r = 0.690), stress (r = 0.586), and age (r = 0.296) (P = 0.001). Results of step-wise regression analysis for predicting seniors’ quality of life based on their mental distresses showed that depression, anxiety, stress, and age, all together, determined 74.5% of changes in quality of life in seniors. Anxiety by predicting 69% of the variance of seniors’ quality of life was the most powerful predictor.
Conclusion: Results of the present study showed a relation between quality of life and depression,anxiety, and stress. Appropriate diagnosis and management of mental distresses not only could reduce the time of suffering from these problems, but also could improve the quality of life in seniors.
Background & Aim: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a life-threatening condition. Considerable doubts exist over the effects of this disease on patients’ quality of life (QOL). The aim of this study was to Survey QOL and its influencing factors in patients with ACS.
Methods & Materials: A convenience sample of 300 patients with ACS was drawn from Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Kashan, Iran, to this cross-sectional study. Sampling was performed from March to September 2014. We employed the Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire for gathering the data. Study data were analyzed by conducting the descriptive parameters, the one-way ANOVA test and the independent-samples t-test as well as logistic regression analysis using the SPSS version 13.0.
Results: The means of QOL in patients with ACS were 56.30 ± 17.15. The QOL Score in mental and physical component were 61.15 ± 19.46 and 51.57 ± 24.56, respectively. However, the logistic regression showed that male gender [odds ratio (OR): 1.88, confidence interval (CI): 1.04-3.43], coronary stenosis < 50% (OR: 3.25, CI: 1.48-7.13), and normal ejection fraction (OR: 3.41, CI: 1.31-8.89) increase the QOL (P < 0.050).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the QOL in patients with ACS is low. Female gender, low ejection fraction and coronary stenosis over 50% causes of reduction in their QOL. Hence, it is recommended that in nursing care during hospitalization and after discharge attend these problems.
Background & Aim: The process of delivery, from physiologic point of view, is similar to long exercises and decrease in physical activities is so common during pregnancy which could cause disruptions in the process of delivery. This study aimed to determine the effects of exercise on childbirth process among primigravid women.
Methods & Materials: This single-blind randomized clinical trial recruited 80 primigravid women in Damghan, 2013-2014. Simple random sampling method was used to select the participants, who were then divided into two equal groups of intervention and control. The intervention group received an 8- week regular walking program and the control group was only followed up. The childbirth process controls and administrative processes were similar for both groups. The data were collected after childbirth and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (independent t-test, chi-square, and Mann–Whitney) in SPSS Version 22.
Results: Both groups were matched for demographic indicators. The results showed significant differences in active and latent-phase hospitalization (P < 0.0010, χ 2 = 14.05), duration of the active phase (P = 0.0020), and the time interval between admission to initiation of the active phase (P = 0.0020). The time interval between the admission and the childbirth (P < 0.0010), and duration of hospitalization (P < 0.0010) between two groups. The natural childbirth rate was more in the intervention group (P < 0.0010, χ 2 = 21.33).
Conclusion: Regular walking with appropriate intensity and duration during pregnancy was correlated with reducing the length of childbirth stages and natural childbirth. This safe method is recommended in healthy pregnancies.
2023 Impact Factor: 0.7
2023 CiteScore: 1.8
pISSN: 2383-1154
eISSN: 2383-1162
Reza Negarandeh
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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