Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Spring


Letter to Editor(s)

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 773 | views: 1496 | pages: 96-102

    Background & Aim: The purpose of this integrative literature review was to find, critically evaluate, and describe publications about barriers against nurse participation and collaboration in multidisciplinary ward rounds. Although multidisciplinary ward rounds are the right place for doctors and nurses to communicate, nurses’ attendance in these rounds is missed. The nurses' absence at the multidisciplinary ward rounding has apparent negative effects on the patients, their relatives, other team members, and patients’ care.
    Methods: A systematic approach to searching, screening, and analyzing the literature was applied. The original and review papers were used. This study was an integrative review based on Whittemore and Knafl’s framework. Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, Magiran, and SID were searched by time limitation for ten years (2009-2019). The search was conducted between February 2019–March 2019. The language was limited to English and Persian.
    Results: After duplicate removal, title, and abstract review, 63 papers remained. After full-text control, finally, 7 papers chased for this review. Barriers for rounding were divided into 4 main categories: time limitation, reluctance to participate, ineffective communication, and infrastructure & administration. Nurse time limitation, feeling not being valued by MDs, lack of standard and structure, and nurse unawareness from time of round are the most repeated barriers. 
    Conclusion: Barriers may need to be removed until nurse participation in multidisciplinary ward rounds improves. Some study needs to take place about this issue in Iran to identify the situation, facilitators, and barriers specific to our country. Based on them, a relevant intervention can be chased.

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1350 | views: 2655 | pages: 103-112

    Background & Aim: Missed nursing care can reduce nursing care quality by eliminating or delaying any aspect of the patient’s necessary nursing care. Teamwork has been a solution to improve the quality of care and safety of patients. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between missed nursing care and emergency nurses’ teamwork in the educational-medical centers affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2019.
    Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional study is predictive correlational in nature. It was conducted on 213 nurses working in the emergency department who were selected based on the census method from March 2018 to December 2019. The self-report data were collected using Nursing Teamwork Survey and Missed Nursing Care questionnaires. The data were analyzed through conducting ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis in SPSS version 16.
    Results: The mean score of missed nursing care in the emergency nurses was 2.25±0.65, and the nurses’ average teamwork was 3.53±0.55. There was a statistically significant yet inverse correlation between teamwork and missed nursing care (p<0.001) (r= -0.29). The determination coefficient of the multiple linear regression modeling was used to predict the missed nursing care based on the total teamwork score indicated that 14% of the missed nursing care was explained under the influence of independent variables.
    Conclusion: Due to the inverse relationship between teamwork and missed nursing care, it is necessary to design and plan training courses to further enhance the nurses’ ability to perform teamwork and collaborative work.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 421 | views: 546 | pages: 113-122

    Background & Aim: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Good knowledge of breast cancer enhances timely screening, early detection, and treatment; however, women's knowledge about breast cancer is very low. Thus, this study assesses the level of knowledge regarding breast cancer among women of childbearing age living in Jimma town. 
    Methods & Materials: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Jimma town in 2018. Respondents were identified using multistage sampling methods. Data was collected using a standard questionnaire developed by cancer research UK and used in different languages in many parts of the world. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify a variable with a significant association based on OR, with 95%CI and P-value of less than 0.05.
    Results: Out of 724 respondents, 686 gave their complete responses. The majority of 496 (72.3%) of the respondents were young adults with a mean age of 31, and about 307 (44.8%) of them had completed secondary school (9-12).  Only 35% of respondents knew breast cancer; more specifically, 20% had knowledge of risk factors, 45% had knowledge of signs and symptoms, and 39 % had knowledge of screening methods. Maternal age, educational level, marital status, occupation, source of information, and monthly income, and positive family history of breast cancer were significantly associated with women’s breast cancer knowledge.
    Conclusion: Just over one-third (35%) of women are knowledgeable about breast cancer. However, women's breast cancer knowledge plays a great role in controlling before reaching an advanced stage.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 537 | views: 651 | pages: 123-131

    Background & Aim: Fatigue is one of the most prevalent symptoms among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Heat therapy is considered as one of the proposed methods to relieve the symptoms in these patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of local heat therapy on fatigue among patients with COPD.
    Methods & Materials: This randomized controlled clinical trial study was conducted on 46 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease referred to Allameh Bohlool Hospital in Gonabad, Iran in 2019. The participants were selected according to the inclusion criteria and were then randomly assigned to the two groups of intervention and placebo. Local packs were placed on the anterior of the chest twice a day for 23 minutes and for five days among the participants of both groups. The hot pack was 50ºC for the patients in the intervention group, but it was equal to body temperature in the placebo group. The severity of fatigue was once measured before the intervention and then one day after the final intervention in both groups. The demographic information form and Krupp fatigue severity scale were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics and chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze the data. Besides, the level of significance was considered at least 0.05.
    Results: The results indicated that the two groups were homogenous in terms of demographic information and the type of disease (P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean score of fatigue before the intervention in the experimental and placebo groups (P=0.9). However, the mean score of fatigue decreased significantly among the intervention group patients compared to those in the placebo group (P<0.001) after the intervention. There was also a significant difference between the two groups in the mean score of fatigue before and after the intervention (P<0.01).
    Conclusion: According to the results, topical heat therapy is effective in reducing fatigue among patients with COPD, but it is recommended to conduct further studies before the implementation of this approach.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 356 | views: 605 | pages: 132-138

    Background & Aim: Recently, there has been a growing interest in the nursing shortage. Although the number of nursing school has been increased and refreshment programs for inactive nurses have been run, the lack of nurses is still a common problem in Korea. Considering the importance of nurses' role in hospitals, it is important to investigate how to reduce turnover rates. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of compassion satisfaction on the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and intention to stay in Korea.
    Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional study design was used. Data were collected from 131 nurses from three university hospitals in South Korea. A demographic data form, LMX-7 scale, compassion satisfaction of the professional quality of life scale, and the nurses’ retention index were used to collect data.
    Results: Our results indicate that LMX has a positive effect on compassion satisfaction and intention to stay and compassion satisfaction has a positive effect on the intention to stay. In addition, compassion satisfaction was found to mediate the impact of LMX on the intention to stay.
    Conclusion: The present study is significant in that it confirms the relationship between LMX and intention to stay and the mediating role of compassion satisfaction. The nursing managers should pay attention to find ways to improve LMX and compassion satisfaction in hospitals in order to increase nurses’ intention to stay.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 502 | views: 815 | pages: 139-145

    Background & Aim: Nursing presence is an essential element of nursing care. Since the perception of nursing presence is influenced by different factors depending on the culture within which patients receive nursing care, this study aimed to investigate Iranian patients' nursing presence with cancer.
    Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 130 cancer patients were selected by random sampling from an oncology teaching hospital. Data was collected by the Presence of Nursing Scale and analyzed by SPSS software.
    Results: The results showed that the mean score of nursing presence (in a range of 0 to 125) was 101.91±16.19. According to the results, the highest and lowest scores belonged to the items "I trusted in these nurses" and "These nurses met my spiritual needs" with a mean score of 4.38±0.81 and 3.68±1.16, respectively. Data analysis by Pearson correlation coefficient showed no significant correlation between the mean score of nursing presence and quantitative variables such as patients' age, length of stay in the hospital, and the number of hospitalization (p>0.05).
    Conclusion: Although the total score of nursing presence was high, improvements in some items such as fulfilling the spiritual needs of cancer patients seem necessary. Evaluation of nursing presence by valid measures, encouraging nurses to spend more time and interacting with their patients, and providing special courses on nursing presence could help nurses improve and implement oncology nursing. 

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 318 | views: 447 | pages: 146-154

    Background & Aim: People undergoing chemotherapy treatment of an oncologic disease refer to the need to promote the process of self-management of the disease and the symptoms associated with treatment. This study aims to describe the development protocol of a mobile application to support the self-management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy treatment, the IGestSaúde.
    Methods & Materials: The research is divided into six stages, using an exploratory/descriptive pilot study conducted over 36 months. The stages include research and fundamentals, development, validation of therapeutic guidelines, field study, technological development, implementation, and mobile application evaluation.
    Discussion: The project will monitor and improve patients' compliance to chemotherapy, to prevent patients’ complications through preventive indications for self-care, and to improve patients' responses to uncontrolled symptoms or complications.
    Conclusion: Mobile applications can be considered a viable and effective means for self-management of complications associated with chemotherapy treatment, supported by scientific evidence and these people's specific needs.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 376 | views: 521 | pages: 155-166

    Background & Aim: Working adolescents need to cope with extreme situations they face, and it is important to identify what factors influence their resilience to better support their health and well-being.  The purpose of this study was to explore resilience in working adolescents.
    Methods & Materials: The directed content analysis approach based on the ecological-transactional resilience model was employed across five domains of resilience (Self, Family, Peers, School, and Community).  Semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of working adolescents were conducted. Inclusion criteria were being 12-18 years of age, Persian speaker, and direct experience of being forced to work for at least one year. Hsieh & Shannon (2005) instruction was used for data analysis.
    Results: 17 participants were interviewed, 59% were male, 88% immigrants and 41% had started working by age 6. Adolescents reported experience of significant adversity. A dichotomic range of resilience-related factors was identified within five domains, embedded with distinct themes. There was evidence of self-care, patience, empathy, and emotional insight within extremely difficult life circumstances. Peers and schools were identified as supporting resilience. Very few Family or Community resilience factors were identified; instead, adolescents reported hurt, alienation, and voicelessness within the family; and fear and insecurity in the community.
    Conclusion: Working adolescents in this study revealed some dichotomic strengths and vulnerabilities. Individual, peer, and school factors were more evident than family and community factors in fostering resilience among working adolescents.